Corporate Social Responsability

Peignage Dumortier draws on an impressive body of experience making us what we are today. Firmly turned towards the future, with a know-how, and a will to innovate and excel in our trade. With an environmentally friendly and socially inclusive approach.

Peignage Dumortier is actively involved in a number of issues that make employee safety and ethics a priority for the coming years.

A CSR progress approach was introduced in the company with the target of 11 sustainable development objectives achieved out of the 17 making up the UN charter.


Safety and working conditions

sécurité et condition de travail

The measures set out in the action plan enabled a significant reduction in workplace accidents over the past three years. Objective achieved by the end of October 2020 with zero accidents.


This is the result of our safety awareness campaigns with “OBJECTIF ZÉRO ACCIDENT”.


Fibers recycling

Recyclage des fibres

Recycling of synthetic and natural fibres is an ingrained process in our industry. Peignage Dumortier is audited every year by Control-Union, an international certification body for products, activities, and systems in many sectors.

Having received the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) label since 2018, we ensure a clear commitment to the textile circular economy and the quality of our recycling actions.


Supply Chain


We prioritise shipping companies that comply with International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations in 2020 with a view towards significantly reducing sulphur oxide emissions from ships. 

We significantly reduce container transport volumes thanks to our ultra-high-capacity press. In this way, we optimise shipments with more fibres and fewer containers.


A spirit of participation and collaboration

Esprit collaboratif

We are believers in participatory management. Our employees form the heart of our company and we encourage them to take the lead in projects and in initiating change.

Employment and Expertise Plan


We are actively working on the Employment and Expertise Plan in order to perpetuate the company’s intellectual capital. As our trade is highly technical, know-how and inter-generational skills transfer is essential to maintain the quality and high standards of Peignage Dumortier.

RSE couleurs l Peignage Dumortier

Support for territorial economies

soutien économique et territoire

We are key players in the development of the French and, by extension, European wool sector. We are also participating in the revival of French linen and hemp by making significant investments.
We defend the excellence of French know-how by joining the French State’s Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) recognition label.

We participate in economically supporting the Nepalese population by contributing to the development of the nettle fibre industry and to the creation of jobs, in collaboration with an American NGO.

Partner Networks

Peignage Dumortier is an active member in all the associative networks and professional organisations :